Feeding Therapy
Mealtimes should be happy times; and we at Olea Pediatric Therapy want to help you achieve that goal.
We are here to give you the tools to improve your family’s experience at the dinner table. Making mealtimes a source of happiness for the family - not a stressor - is our goal.
Feeding Therapy services can help your child:
Try new foods
Eat a variety of foods from all food groups
Chew, manipulate and swallow their food safely
Drink from a straw and cup
Become less anxious around food and mealtimes
Gain weight
Expanding a child’s diet can be a hard, seemingly impossible task, at times.
We believe in adapting one step at a time. Changing one variable - such as color, texture, shape, or size - of a preferred food item helps to ensure this change is achievable . At Olea, we slowly integrate food with play - child led ‘taste tests’ are a fun example of this. Pressuring a child to eat new foods will likely be counteractive to our goals. Letting a child explore food on their own will help them develop trust with new foods - ultimately growing their confidence during mealtimes. That is our priority with feeding therapy.
What Feeding Therapy at Olea Pediatric Therapy looks like:
Familiarizing with different textures, colors, and flavors of food
Introducing new foods through play
Preparing food
Sitting at the table
Using utensils appropriately
Cleaning your face after eating
Cleaning up after meal time
Training and Expertise
At Olea Therapy our feeding therapists are trained in a variety of oral motor, sensory and feeding approaches including M.O.R.E., reflex integration, SOS, and the Beckman oral motor program.